Message from CEO, Kristen Birtwhistle
At this time United Way of San Joaquin County has made the difficult but critical decision to cancel and/or postpone upcoming events and large group meetings in response to guidance from the Center for Disease and Control’s (CDC) position on the Coronavirus or Covid-19 threat and the recent state of emergency announcement from the City of Stockton.
Within our state, Governor Gavin Newsom also announced that mass gatherings should be postponed, while on the world front, the continued impact of the coronavirus is disrupting conferences and events around the globe. Unfortunately, our programs are not immune
As such, we have decided to cancel all major events and larger group meetings hosted by United Way of San Joaquin County through the end of April.
United Way of San Joaquin County (UWSJC) has established a COVID-19 Emergency Donation site where 100% of the proceeds will be directed to our nonprofit partners and shelters across the county.
Let's PULL Together. #everyhumanbeing #COVID-19
How you can help?
At this time, Homeless Service Providers are worried about running out of important supplies.
The public is asked to help with donations of the following:
Personal Cleaning Supplies
- Soap
- Hand Sanitizer
Program Cleaning Supplies
- Bleach
- Clorox Wipes
- Empty spray bottles
- Baby wipes
Personal Protective Gear
- Gloves
- Masks
Additional Supplies
- NEW unused Towels
- NEW unused Socks
- Baby Diapers
- Bottled Water
- Water Bottles
NO Donations of Clothes or other items taken at this time. Donations can be dropped off at local shelters.
Information about Coronavirus/COVID-19 is changing rapidly as we learn more about this pandemic and information will be updated as it becomes available. In the meantime the links below will help you learn about what’s going on in our city, county, state and country.
- 2-1-1 - For the latest updates on the Coronavirus (COVID-19), sign up for text updates. Text Covid19 to 211211 to opt in to receive updated information to your county's current coronavirus information provided by Public Health and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- CA Dept of Public Health
- San Joaquin County Public Health
- Center for Disease Control
- World Health Organization
- SJ Ready Office of Emergency
If you have been affected by COVID-19 and would like to get assistance from the Connected Community Network of San Joaquin County, please click here: Assistance Request Form