Payroll with a Purpose

As Albert Einstein stated, "we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." He also noted that "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," With that measured thinking, UWSJ is working to move towards the future using a markedly different lens.

Since 1926, UWSJC has been an iconic and legendary organization and we hope to build on that history, while at the same time creating a new history for the future. Our new lens will focus on expanding our footprint with the employee giving campaign. Over 90% of dollars raised for area nonprofits is from businesses and agencies that supports philanthropic giving-our role is to direct those dollars back out to nonprofit agencies. We hope to raise over $2.5M by 2020 to reinvest to our nonprofit partners. Last year alone, UWSJC had over 4500 donors, contributed to over 600 agencies with an average donation of $300 per person. In short, we are using the theme of Payroll for a Purpose and establishing new ways to direct dollars using both the old standard pledge forms to new online giving options for the next generation of donors. 

Most importantly, we are reinvesting in our staff, our culture and our relationship with our nonprofit partners to ensure that our giving is meaningful and purposeful to their own mission and vision. 


Picture: Dr. Jamie Mousalimis, Head of San Joaquin County Office of Education is a continus partner with United Way of SJC. The SJCOE had a strong employee giving campaign last year.